真鍋 真
Makoto Manabe
●Chimento, N.R., Agnolin, F.L., Tsuihiji, T., Manabe, M. and Novas, F.E. 2020. New record of a Mesozoic gondwanatherian mammaliaform from Southern Patagonia. The Science of Nature 107, 49:1-7.
●池田忠広, 髙橋亮雄, 真鍋 真, 長谷川善和, 2019. 沖縄島の更新世港川人遺跡から産出したヘビ類椎骨化石. 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告, 23: 21−34.
●髙橋亮雄, 池田忠広, 真鍋 真, 長谷川善和, 2018. 港川人遺跡から発見された淡水生および陸生カメ類化石. 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告, 22-51-58.
●Manabe, M., M. Suzuki, M.J. Janal, and M. Kumagai, 2017. Why natural history specimens were ‘rescued’? Biology International, Special Issue, 36: 104-107.
●Manabe, M., T. Tsuihiji, Y. Miyake and T. Komatsu, 2016. A possible ceratopsid tooth from the Upper Cretaceous of Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of National Museum of Nature & Science, Series C, 42: 29-34.
●Matsumoto, R., M. Manabe, and S. E. Evans, 2014. The first record of a long-snouted choristodere (Reptilia, Diapsida) from the Early Cretaceous of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Historical Biology, 26(5): 1-12.
●Tsuihiji, T., T. Komatsu, M. Manabe, Y. Miyake, M. Aramaki and H. Sekiguchi, 2013. Theropod tooth from the Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group in the Koshikijima Islands, Southwestern Japan. Paleontological Research, 17(1): 39-46.
●Seki, R., N. Kamiyama, A. Tadokoro, N. Nomura, T. Tsuihiji, M. Manabe and K. Tamura, 2012. Evolutionary and developmental aspects of avian-specific traits in limb skeletal pattern. Zoological Science, 29(10): 631-644.
●Evans, S. E. and M. Manabe, 2009. The Early Cretaceous lizards of eastern Asia: new material of Sakurasaurus from Japan. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 81: 43-59.
●Evans, S. E. and M. Manabe, 2008. An early herbivorous lizard from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan. Palaeontology, 51(2): 487-498
●Rougier, G. W., S. Isaji and M. Manabe, 2007. An Early Cretaceous mammal from the Kuwajima Formation (Tetori Group), Japan, and a reassessment of triconodont phylogeny. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 76(2): 73-115.
●Manabe, M. & Lydens, L. (eds.), 2007. Digital Technology in Japanese Museums. <em>Journal of Museum Education,</em> 32(1): 1-87.
●Sato, T., Y. Hasegawa and M. Manabe, 2006. A new elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the upper Cretaceous of Fukushima, Japan. Palaeonotology, 49(3): 467-484.
●Nicholls, E.L. and M. Manabe, 2004. Giant ichthyosaurs of the Triassic- a new species of <em>Shonisaurus</em> from the Pardonet Formation (Norian: Late Triassic) of British Columbia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24(4); 838-849.
●Russell, D. A. and M. Manabe, 2002. Synopsis of the Hell Creek (uppermost Cretaceous) dinosaur assemblage. The Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 361: 169-176.
●Manabe, M., P. Barrett, and S. Isaji, 2000. A refugium for relicts? Nature, 404: 953
Manabe, M., 1999. The early evolution of the Tyrannosauridae in Asia. Journal of Paleontology, 73(6): 1176-1178.
●Hasegawa, Y., M. Manabe, S. Isaji, M. Ohkura, I. Shibata and I. Yamaguchi, 1995. Terminally resorbed iguanodontid teeth from the Neocomian Tetori Group, Ishikawa and Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. C, 21(2): 35-49.
●Tsujimura, K., M. Manabe, Y. Chiba and T. Tsuihiji, 2021, Metatarsals of a large caenagnathid cf. <em>Anzu wyliei</em> (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Hell Creek Formation in South Dakota, USA. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58(9): 911-917.
●Rozadilla, S., F. L. Agnolín, M. Manabe, T. Tsuihiji, and F. E., Novas, 2021. Ornithischian remains from the Chorrillo Formation (Upper Cretaceous), southern Patagonia, Argentina, and their implications on ornithischian paleobiogeography in the Southern Hemisphere. <em>Cretaceous Research</em>, 125: 104881.
●Chimento, N. R., F. L. Agnolín, F. L., T. Tsuihiji, M. Manabe and F. E. Novas, 2021. New gondwanatherian (Mammaliaformes) remains from the Chorrillo Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Patagonia, Argentina. <em>Cretaceous Research</em>, 127: 104947.
●Moyano-Paz, D., S. Rozadilla, S., F. Agnolín, M. Vera, E., Coronel, A. Varela, A. Gómez-Dacal, A. Aranciaga-Rolando, J. D`Angelo, V. Pérez-Loinaze, S. Richiano, N. R. Chimento, M. Motta, J. Sterli, M. Manabe, T. Takanobu, M. P. Isasi, D. G. Poiré, F. E. and Novas, 2022. The Uppermost Cretaceous Continental Deposits (UCCD) at the Southern end of Patagonia, the Chorrillo Formation case study (Austral-Magallanes Basin): Sedimentology, fossil content and regional implications. <em>Cretaceous Research</em>.130: 105059
●真鍋 真(訳), 2019.「わたしはみんなのおばあちゃん はじめての進化のはなし」, 岩波書店,40p.
●真鍋 真, 2019. 「恐竜の魅せ方」, CCCメディアハウス, 206p.
●真鍋 真, 2017. 「深読み!絵本『せいめいのれきし』」, 岩波科学ライブラリー,no.260, 114p.
●真鍋 真(監修), 2015. 「せいめいのれきし・改訂版」, 岩波書店, 80p.